
What do you do?

What do you do when somebody asks what do you do? By the end of this video, you’ll have a clear and concise statement that tells people exactly who you serve and then makes them want to ask more questions. Too often we use our titles when we answer that question. We may say I’m a lawyer or I’m a doctor or I’m a business coach, but that doesn’t even scratch the surface on who you serve and how you serve them, believe it or not.

There are all kind of lawyers and all kinds of doctors, and they’re all kind of business coaches. Some may work with large corporations. Some work with executive teams or leadership teams. Some even work with teams that are under four people. Let me give you an example of how I respond when somebody asks me what I do. I work with service based business owners who want to move away from the day to day so they can grow their companies.

If you listen to that, it’s really kind of formulaic. It says, number one, exactly who I work with. Number two, exactly what my customers want. And then three, the outcome that I deliver for the greatest thing of all. It allows for follow up. Every time I say that, somebody asks me, Well, how do you do that? Well, I’m able to answer my almost formulaic response, which is we always start with the exit strategy and figure out what you want to do at the end of your career.

The next thing we do is we look at your value drivers and we identify those value drivers and things that are going to make your company as valuable as it can be at the end. And then we start installing the systems and processes that create the efficiencies that allow you to move away from the day to day, do these three things.

Number one, write down exactly who you serve. For example, I serve service based business owners. The next thing you want to do is write down exactly what they want. In my example, they want to move away from the day to day. They want to get out of the day to day decision making and the operations and then figure out exactly what the outcome of working with you looks like in mind.

Looks like they can grow their companies, they can get out of the day to do the things they want and grow their companies and then look at what your response might be. That’s when you start talking about how you serve them. The 1 to 3 of it, Right? You don’t want to talk about that early on when you’re explaining who you serve and the outcome that they’re going to get.’

So I hope this has been helpful and I hope it’s shown you that when you grow, your company grows.  Keep growing!


Jeff Martin

Company Growth Academy Jeff Martin is a bestselling author, founder of Company Growth Academy and the host of Lead. Grow. Live.

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