Are you on a journey of discovery? What I mean by that is, are you spending a ton of time learning how to do things rather than doing what you do best? I can tell you personally, I spent years learning how to use this camera and use this microphone to do my own videos. What ended up happening is I did a few videos, but they didn’t go anywhere. What ended up happening is I quit vlogging because I didn’t have time to continue learning how to shoot and edit and publish video and also coach my clients.
So if you’re spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to do things on your own, such as video photography, podcasting, social media consider finding the right person rather than you spending all your time in learning how to do something else.
Dan Sullivan wrote a book called, “Who Not How.” And in the book he talks about building a team of experts so you can do what you do best. And I can’t agree more. So I did just that. I contacted a friend of mine named Dustin Webb. He owns a company called Videos Creative. And because of him, he’s standing right behind this camera. And he helps me with these videos. He edits them. He publishes them. And thanks to him, I’m able to go about doing the things that I really need to be focusing on. And he takes care of the things that I really also need for the business. But I don’t have time to do it.
So when you go out and find somebody who can help take something off your plate, just think about this. Make sure, number one, they understand your business. Number two, you work well with them. And number three, it makes sense financially. You got to have a return on investment from the things that you’re doing.
So if you feel like you need video for your business but you can’t do it, why don’t you reach out to Dustin Webb at Videos Creative? I’ll put the link down below. Scratch that. He’ll put the link down below and as always, as you grow, your company grows. Keep growing!