
Call Your Customers To Action

Call now. Buy now. Order now. What do all those have in common? Their direct calls to action. I can tell you that I look at websites all day long and it sort of drives me crazy that you don’t see direct calls to action. Sometimes you might see schedule a call, which is great. Sometimes you might see book a conversation.

Most of the time you see no direct call to action when somebody lands on your website. It is imperative that you call them to action or they don’t take action. What’s worse is when you passive, we call them to action. Like Learn more, read more. Dr. Miller, the creator of Story brand, often describes your direct call to action.  It’s like you’re asking somebody to get married. It’s that direct. So if you could imagine going into a bar and meeting somebody and saying, Hey, you want to get married, that’s a very direct call to action. Maybe it might work out in those situations. If you would need to get to know him a little better to say, Hey, would you like to go on a second date? 

That’s called your transitional call to action. And often those are your lead generators. You’ll see on your website. Your direct calls to action should be on your home page of your website and your other pages. But on the home page, it’s really important that you put it in the top right corner. Here’s a reason. In America, we read from left to right and then top to bottom.  So really, when we land on a website and we see a logo in the left hand corner and our eyes shift all the way over to the right, we’re expecting to see a logo there. What we’re looking for is where to take action. The top right corner of your website really is the most important real estate on the page.

So why are people not putting their call to action there? I want to challenge you to do one thing. This week is put a direct call to action in the top right corner of your website. If you’re trying to figure out a great call to action, or if you want to see if your call to action is direct and passes the test, comment below and let me know what it is and I’ll try to comment back.

I want to leave you with one direct call to action. This direct call to action is from me to you. Share this video. And remember, as you grow your company grows. Keep growing!


Jeff Martin

Company Growth Academy Jeff Martin is a bestselling author, founder of Company Growth Academy and the host of Lead. Grow. Live.

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